Land-CRAFT welcomes new theme leader in Digital Landscape Analyses

Fabian Daniel Schneider has joined the Land-CRAFT team from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Land-CRAFT is proud to unveil that Fabian Daniel Schneider has joined our growing team as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology from the 1st of September 2024.

Fabian Schneider is coming from a position as research scientist in the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems group at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in the University Research Priority Program on Global Change and Biodiversity (URPP-GCB) at the University of Zurich. He moved to NASA JPL for a postdoctoral research fellowship in 2018, where he got appointed as research scientist in 2021. His research focuses on remote sensing of ecosystem diversity, structure and function to understand landscape and ecosystem scale changes in biodiversity and ecological resilience, in particular developing new methods for using imaging spectroscopy and lidar to study plant functional and structural diversity. 

Prof. Fabian Schneider will be the Theme Leader for Digital Landscape Analyses at Land-CRAFT. His research complements the PI's of Land-CRAFT with his experience in remote sensing of landscape dynamics at scales from individual plants to complex landscape mosaics and interactions, and the integration of remote sensing data, models and in-situ observations. Fabian Schneider will help lead the development of an observation system to study the impacts of climate change and sustainable land management strategies on biological diversity and ecosystem functioning in Denmark, and globally.

We extend a warm welcome to Fabian and trust he will settle in well with the team.